Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome to Version-7

Yep. This is the 7th iteration of me. Most Folk can look back and truly Chapter the Book of their lives by very distinct events. I have had 7 Major chapters so far.

There was childhood before my parents divorce. V-1

Geeky, Fat, Dweeb in Grade School. V-2

My first real friends and carefree summers in Early teens. V-3

My First True Love and Happiness in High school. V-4

Epic failure and Downfall in post High school. V-5

Joining and Playing in the US Army and getting married. V-6

Post Army, The Birth of our Son, Fatherhood and present life. Version-7

I am 28. Male. Christian. Freemason. Married. Son born Dec 2007. Home Owner. Republican. Career Driven. IT Professional.

Here I am.
