Monday, March 23, 2009

So... There I was

Having finished a glorious steak dinner and a couple excellent bottles of wine when the discussion started.

The prospect of a viable utopian society and the demonstration of it's impossability through the great writtings of social observers.

One member attempted the pragmatist argument of the success of "a brave new world." It being Huxley's demonstration of the success of a well oiled machine, creating a social cast system based apon genetic limiting of the participants and thereby enjoing the benifits of a populous that is content on their individual roles while avoiding any discontentment.

The argument against this was what I believed to be Huxley's premise. That being the sacrifices and de-humanisation required to accomplish a utopian society, thereby rendering it no longer a society but rather a slave organisation consisting of the leadership and the genetically deminished workers.

The argument then entered religion and the corruption that reigns over it not unlike the leadership class of the alleged utopia. The argument being that the conflics between the various religions is what creates human discord and thus makes utopia impossible.

My argument against this was simple. Should a single religion take over or rather "win" it would inevitably become a "world" religion and not unlike the Catholic Church of old, would take over the government, creating a World government. A world government which also serves as the world religion can only be a bad idea. When corruption abounds within the relms of the human condition, would not the end result simply harken back to the times when this was the case over countries of europe?

The creation of an ameable solution of "common agreement" and the establishment of a unifying religion only serves to give an organization too much power. This will only result is the enslavement of the human race. i.e. 1984

The utopian/religious argument went for a time and I finally stated the utopian solution. (at least my opinion)

It is the continous battle that maintains the balance neccisary for society to continue to exist.

Governments in disagreement, Religions in disagreement, Moral codes and ethics questioned and disagreed with.

These are the things that keep humanity free. These are the things that allow for the best possible social solution. As soon as one of these things becomes a controlling force, the others will be conquered. If one government or religion becomes a world power we all cease to be Humans. Instead we become slaves to that wich can no longer be contested.

The flaw with utopia is that a some level in it's governing/creating class, there is a point where someone or group must be exempt from the laws, rules, and morality in order to implement it and control it. This was demonstrated in Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, and all of the many others. This flaw is also the causitory factor of most of the corruption which occurs in Religious, Commercial, Governmental organisations. Somewhere in each of these, someone must act outside the rules inorder to maintain order.

What does this have to do with Freemasonry?
Not much, though I suppose if Freemasonry were to take over the world... :)


Friday, March 6, 2009

If this works...

Then I can now blog from my Blackberry.


Friday, February 27, 2009

It Learns

Now I have a Profile and a Bio.

And I have now gone form Morcheeba to KMFDM to Clare Fader to Jill Tracy and am now content with the Audio.

In case my Brave Followers were wondering. The Kid was sick today so I stayed home to take care of him... because that is what a good Daddy does. So now I am a Good Daddy and as long as I keep telling him that, maybe he'll believe me.

Dear Followers,

Now that I am listening to the soothing, if not Darkly Cabaret (but not like the Dresden Dolls), sounds of Jill Tracy, I cannot help but feel a little haunted. Yes, I realize that I am being Followed, and I realize that it is a Blog that is being followed and not my corporeal self, but alas, my curiosity has led to interest and my peeked interest has progressed now on to paranoia. God knows where it shall lead or how this all might end. Or perhaps the music... Jill, you are a beautiful creator of moods.

I did post a link to this site a few months ago to an old friends Live Journal in the hopes that they might think of me for a moment and see, or read, about what I have been up to. Unfortunately, work called me away for a spell, and my intended weekly status to this site failed for a time.

Good and Faithful readers, I will post more frequently than I have been. I fear that I have kept you waiting for months now and have neglected you. For this I apologize and will make earnest, my endeavor to keep this updated and not repeat my past unforgivable failings.

Well, off I go... the Kid has wakened from his Nap and I must attend to his diaper and Juice.


I have followers

Better Music on now.

Not that I know what that really means. I'm not exactly the hip and cool blogger. Nor am I greatly accustomed to all of these strange terms used in the Blog world. I am a Router, Server, Network Security type. I have Gmail and my Google Calendar Syncing and reporting to my Blackberry for Lodge stuff. (the BB Storm is a good upgrade) But outside of a server room and my Leash, I truly am lost.

But I have Followers.

Who are following Me, Who is Lost.

The Correct Masonic Joke here is:
"Whither are you Traveling?".... "I don't know, but I have Followers!"

So... If you are one of my two brave followers, how about a comment to better explain what that means?

If you know me, say Hi.

If you have Ideas on how to better improve this thing, let me know.


Post Number 2

So... There I was. Considering and Contemplating on all things great and small. I was made the Worshipful Master of my Lodge in December and have been doing my best to serve my lodge as best I can. This is a continuous struggle.
I believe that portions of the Struggle are typical human interaction issues or simply the inevitable trials and tribulations that most folks in leadership positions face. The rest of it however, I fear is some sort of self sabotage. It is almost as if I strive for and work toward conflict; and it seems that I do this just so that I can fight the fight and in some way cause damage to others for the sake of being in control. I find that I occasionally do this in all aspects of my life. Those of you who know who I am know this.
Even now I am forcing myself to listen to Morcheeba knowing that I don't like it, simply because I enjoy not liking it. Sorta like Bleu Cheese. No one actually likes the taste but they enjoy the bad taste of it.

Back on Lodge though, as the year has progressed with all that which I am sitting in the East, we as a Lodge have made so real progress. Our membership is Up. Our active participation is Up, and the quality of work we do has greatly improved. We have some Brothers that, like myself, have really committed themselves to Freemasonry and are acting as the necessary catalysts of progress.

That's it. No more Morcheeba. Back to KMFDM.
